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Nordic Chemical Solutions UK Limited

With offices in Oslo, Stavanger and London, Nordic Chemical Solutions is a leading supplier of specialist environmentally friendly decontamination chemistry to the UK onshore and offshore oil and gas markets.

Supplying Euro Corpex® chemistry, which has been applied on over 5000 chemical cleaning projects worldwide, Nordic Chemical Solutions has over 18 years’ experience in the North Sea operating area, during which time we have supplied chemistry and procedures for over 1000 projects – principally in the Norwegian Sector, where the highest standards of environmental safety and product performance are mandatory.

Euro Corpex chemistry has also been applied on demanding onshore projects in refineries and gas plants, and is frequently used as a highly effective alternative to strong acids and alkalis in pre-operational cleaning applications.
In summary, the Nordic Chemical Solutions service in the UK offers:

UK Contact details
Nordic Chemical Solutions AS
Minster House
126a High Street


Tel: 020 8894 1777
Mob: 0788 759 3934
Email: sales@ncsas.co.uk

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